Questions from Students

To declare a minor in Sustainability Studies, fill out the form. For questions, contact Ross Blair.

That’s ok. We hope you learned a little about sustainability anyway, and can incorporate sustainability into your career. Please fill out the drop minor form online.

No! Please let your advisor know about the minor in Sustainability Studies. The minor is open to any major on campus.

If you take the two required classes, SUST 2000 (or the Honors College version of the class, SUST 2007) and SUST 5000, and nine credits of approved electives (or course contracts), with at least 6 of those credits at the 3000 level or above, and declared the minor in Sustainability Studies, it will show up on your transcript.

If the class is adjacent to sustainability, you can complete a course contract by adding extra sustainability content into the class with the instructor’s approval. Contact the director of the Academic Sustainability Program for more information,

We have compiled a list of majors that are related to sustainability. Of course, any field can be more sustainable. If you minor in Sustainability Studies, it could help you figure out how to add sustainability to your career goals.

Questions from Faculty

There are many places to learn about sustainability on campus.

Send an email request to Rebecca Retzlaff, director of the Academic Sustainability Program at, with your syllabus and this completed form attached.